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Корпорация монстров (#661, 02.08.2020)

7/7/2020 10:06:39 AM / 2 messages / the topic was opened by _BD_ .

Game format: Single
Passing sequence: Custom (not linear)
Game author: nikiz00m
Start of the game: 8/2/2020 10:00:00 AM (UTC +3)
The beginning of the game in your time zone:  (UTC )
The game completion time: 8/2/2020 9:55:00 PM (UTC +3)
Confirmations are accepted until: 8/2/2020 9:55:00 PM (UTC +3)
Limit on the game: 44 players
Participation fee:125грн.(subscriptions has been accepted) 
Game details >>>
Domain owner
Gold Medal of the 1-st rank
[ 7/7/2020 10:06:38 AM (UTC +2) ]  
Корпорация монстров (#661, 02.08.2020)
Games Author
[ 8/4/2020 10:55:14 PM (UTC +2) ]  
Большое спасибо всем участникам за игру!!!

Пересчитал корявые коды там, где это возможно, и бонусы на заглушке.

Планирую завтра вечером закрыть игру.
2/23/2025 12:52:45 PM
(UTC +2)
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