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Team points

Game: Points
Game format: Team
Place: 7
Standard points for place: 10
The game complexity factor: 1
Author's factor of game complexity: 1
Итого: 10 points
Формула расчета очков:
Очки = H * КС * АКС
Details >>>
Points distribution

ID Rank Gender User Points
#1409941 Sergeant Female T@nushka 1.48 points
#1307112 Sergeant Male Rodnoy 1.42 points
#1415861 Senior lieutenant Female Kсения 1.42 points
#1446331 Private soldier Unknown Genius_2 1.42 points
#1492472 Private soldier Female a_nichka 1.42 points
#1495675 Private soldier Male sergienko_bogdan 1.42 points
#1517114 Private soldier Unknown bugaj 1.42 points

12/1/2024 4:30:07 AM
(UTC +2)

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