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Team points

Game: Quest
Game format: Team
Place: 4
Standard points for place: 35
Авторские Индексы Качества подготовки игр Quest:
  FlyingElvis QI: 8.01
% of standart points (for current authors QI): 135%
The game complexity factor: 1
Author's factor of game complexity: 1
Итого: 47.25 points
Points distribution

ID Rank Gender User Points
#6624 Senior lieutenant Female pjatochka 18.87 points
#6739 Lieutenant Female Leeloo 4.73 points
#6801 Senior sergeant Male Chuguev 4.73 points
#7093 Sergeant Female suliko~ 4.73 points
#7194 Senior sergeant Male LeonOFF 4.73 points
#7362 Senior sergeant Male werwolf 4.73 points
#8330 Lieutenant Male ivanoff80 4.73 points

12/1/2024 12:01:48 PM
(UTC +2)

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